Increase your knowledge of collectibles!

Passing Grades
If William Shakespeare was alive today, his most famous prose might read, “To grade or not to grade. That is the question.” It’s a question you’ve likely already asked yourself...
Passing Grades
If William Shakespeare was alive today, his most famous prose might read, “To grade or not to grade. That is the question.” It’s a question you’ve likely already asked yourself...

The Next “Big Thing” In Collecting? Historical ...
Looking to catch the wave of the next “big thing” in collecting? That is, the “it” collectible? Consider collecting historical markers. To Die For Collectibles has coined the term “historical markers”...
The Next “Big Thing” In Collecting? Historical ...
Looking to catch the wave of the next “big thing” in collecting? That is, the “it” collectible? Consider collecting historical markers. To Die For Collectibles has coined the term “historical markers”...

Collecting vs. Hoarding
The word “hoarding” immediately sends chills down the spine of every collector. It connotes mountains of junk, ever expanding and out of control, swallowing up homes and apartments and fostering...
Collecting vs. Hoarding
The word “hoarding” immediately sends chills down the spine of every collector. It connotes mountains of junk, ever expanding and out of control, swallowing up homes and apartments and fostering...

Flying Beneath The Collecting Radar
We all know about those categories that the staff of To Die For Collectibles refer to as “The Big Three.” These are the categories of collectibles that occasionally make the...
Flying Beneath The Collecting Radar
We all know about those categories that the staff of To Die For Collectibles refer to as “The Big Three.” These are the categories of collectibles that occasionally make the...

The ABC’s Of Framing: When & How to Frame Colle...
Not every collectible needs to – or should – be framed. At To Die For Collectibles, we believe that framing enhances the value and collectability of some items. Accordingly, we...
The ABC’s Of Framing: When & How to Frame Colle...
Not every collectible needs to – or should – be framed. At To Die For Collectibles, we believe that framing enhances the value and collectability of some items. Accordingly, we...

Building Your Collection
Everybody, absolutely everybody, is a collector. Every age, race, creed, or socio-economic group, everybody around the world is a collector. Some collect for profit, while others collect for pure fun...
Building Your Collection
Everybody, absolutely everybody, is a collector. Every age, race, creed, or socio-economic group, everybody around the world is a collector. Some collect for profit, while others collect for pure fun...